Our Showroom

Arena Melk GmbH


  • Arena Melk GmbH
  • Date

  • 2015
  • Location

  • Melk, Austria
  • Involvement

  • content creation
  • Project

  • Audio tour
  • Links


Content on the Go

For the city of Melk, we developed an audio tour through the historic city centre that quenches the thirst for knowledge with new experiences and varied stories. In the production of the texts, we opted for a narrative structure to guide visitors through the city with curiosity and attention. This makes it easier to understand history and encourages independent thinking. Since the aim of this tour was to enable an intensive immersion in the history of the city, the narrative perspective is that of the first-person narrator. Through his emphasised subjectivity, he brings a lot of entertainment and the epic distance between the narrator and the listener is dissolved, making the stories seem extremely authentic for the visitors.