
  • AIT Austrian Institute of Technology (AT), NOUS Wissensmanagement FlexCo (AT), Universität Siena (IT), Feelif (SVN), VRVis (AT), Fondazione Musei Senesi (IT), Hilfsgemeinschaft der Blinden und Sehschwachen Österreichs (AT), Akademie Berlingen (CH), Sign Time (AT), Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa (PRT)
  • Date

  • April 2022 - April 2024
  • Location

  • Austria, Italiy, Switzerland, Portugal
  • Involvement

  • Tech-Lead, SDM-Konzept
  • Project

  • System-Architecture, PWA, Backend, Business Modeling
  • Links


Bringing Culture to the People - Multisensory

NOUS is tech-leading partner within the international research and development project "BeauCoup - Building Active User Experiences to Bring Culture to the People", which is funded as part of the EU program "Active & Assisted Living (AAL)".

BeauCoup aims at creating a solution to let older adults (65+) explore and interact with cultural heritage outside existing institutional contexts (i.e. museums). So far, older adults are often excluded from cultural experiences located inside art-related institutions for various reasons, for example because of immobility caused by individual (e.g. physical impairments, remote residences, need of care) or societal (e.g. lockdown measures) reasons.

Exploring cultural artefacts can have a positive impact on Quality of Life for older adults and keeps them socially and cognitively active and connected. Thus, it contributes to successful ageing. The project will create an eco-system (PWA) that enables various application partners like museums, exhibitors, tourism agencies and municipalities to create and share cultural experiences with older adults. Existing building blocks will be combined to three service delivery models (SDM) covering different usage scenarios: While a mix of analogue and digital artefacts combined as the delivery models “The Bag” and “The Box” can be explored in interactive group settings, a digital solution providing interactive guided tours through museums and exhibitions will be delivered by “The Screen”. This way, BeauCoup will set new standards in bringing culture to the people and connecting them through a shared experience in order to stimulate social interaction and an active life.