Our Showroom

Generali Foundation


  • Generali Foundation
  • Date

  • since 2013
  • Location

  • Vienna, Austria
  • Involvement

  • Concept, Implementation
  • Project

  • Website
  • Partner

  • Martha Stutteregger (Design)
  • Links


Mission Completed

The Generali Foundation is one of the most important collections of anti-institutional art from the 1960s to the present day. Until its relocation in the Museum der Moderne in Salzburg in 2015, the Foundation was an important site of contemporary discourse in Vienna. The starting point for redesigning the website for the institution’s 25th anniversary was a review of its mission. The most significant elements that the institution wanted to convey to the outside world were defined during workshops. The result was a layout and redesign of the website, which derives its form from its content, and which more clearly foregrounds the Generali Foundation’s collection. The Generali Foundation decided against using the usual social media platforms, opting instead for a blog that would provide a better medium for the discursive content. Furthermore, the institution’s self-understanding as a scientific institution has been reinforced through a dedicated user area: here, visitors can file and manage their own materials.