Our Showroom

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart


  • Staatsgalerie Stuttgart
  • Date

  • 22. Oktober 2021 – 20. February 2022
  • Involvement

  • Content, Implementation, PWA development & setup
  • Project

  • NOUS Guide
  • Links


Famous with Rubens

How do I become famous? This question is on the minds of more than a few people today, especially youngsters. Social media offer a broad platform for quick fame and sometimes also a lot of money. The fact that certain forms of self-dramatization and, above all, the power of images already led to success 400 years ago is shown in the exhibition "Becoming Famous. Peter Paul Rubens" in the Staatsgalerie Stuttgart. Rubens is considered the most successful painter of the Baroque era. Even his contemporaries were willing to pay top prices for his works. But how did Rubens manage to rise to become a painter celebrated throughout Europe? The exhibition and the NOUS audio tour show how the artist laid the foundation for his later success in his early creative years: An impressive, colorful visual language with high recognition value is just one of his strategies. In addition, it was networking that brought him influential friends and patrons, reproduction techniques such as an efficient working style and a high-performance workshop that enabled him to produce a large number of paintings in a short time: the prominent placement of his works in churches and prestigious collections, and, last but not least, his great ambition to achieve social and monetary recognition as an artist. Yet with all this, Rubens remains a lifelong seeker after the perfect, emotionally stirring form and the convincing image. For without quality, all fame is just smoke and mirrors.

The 60-minute tour with the NOUS audio guide in German was narrated by students of the Speech Art and Media Speech program at HMDK Stuttgart. It is available on rental devices on site and as a PWA for your own smartphone..