- Køge Museum
- 2015
- Køge, Denmark
- Concept, Design, Content, Implementation
- NOUS Guide
- Kvorning Design, Copenhagen
LinkFact Track – Drama Track
NOUS implemented the exhibition graphics, a digital storytelling concept, a mobile tablet guide and video and sound installations for the City Museum in Køge, which was newly renovated in 2015. The storyline of the permanent exhibition tells of the sinking of a warship that exploded in battle against Sweden and has been moored in the Bay of Køge ever since. In a fact track and a drama track, visitors follow with their tablet guide the dramatic events of that day, which cost the lives of nearly 600 people. While the fact track tells about the objects recovered by divers and their historical context, multimedia fictional stories were developed for the drama track, giving visitors access to individual fates of the protagonists. In the collection area of the museum - it is entirely dedicated to the mediation of science - the respective researchers, for example for Celtic pile dwellings, are given time and space in video interviews and blogs to comprehensively present their work and to publish their current results in blogs. The sound installations as well as the individual stations on the tablet guide are triggered by iBeacons.