Our Showroom

Kunsthistorisches Museum


  • Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien
  • Date

  • since 2013
  • Location

  • Vienna, Austria
  • Involvement

  • Concept, Content, Design and Implementation
  • Project

  • NOUS Guide, App (iOS, Android)
  • Partners

  • Bogner Consulting, Navigator Film
  • Links

    iTunes Google Play

Finding Contexts

The Art History Museum in Vienna is one of the most important museums in the world. The priori- ty is not to adapt the zeitgeist, but rather to make it possible to understand and experience histori- cal artifacts and their contexts. 

Reopened after a complete redesign in 2013, the Kunstkammer has 20 rooms arranged by theme, in which a world of beauty and brilliance, curiosities and wonders awaits visitors. With the narrations at the tablet media stations, which have been conceived especially for each room, visitors can advance further into this world. The stations tell stories of objects in each room and of the members of the Habsburg family associated with that object, as well as showing a connection between the object and the history of ideas and intellect of that particular era. On another level, the stations function as more in-depth descriptions and perspectives of individual works of art. 

A three-channel video installation shows the inner workings of auto- matons from the 17th century and provides visitors with a brand new viewpoint. The KHM’s public app is quite different: it has been designed to be extremely summary and shows a kaleidoscope of the incredible riches of the collections.