Our Showroom

For Future Reference


  • Marie Artaker
  • Date

  • 2018 - 2019
  • Location

  • Austrian Federal Theatres
  • Involvement

  • Concept, technical advice, development
  • Project

  • Website relaunch, maintenance, external project management, consulting services
  • Links


Digital creativity

Together with graphic designer Marie Artaker, we developed the web application "For Future Reference" (FFR), a prototype for a digital conception and innovation tool for creative professionals such as art directors, directors, curators.  The project, funded by AWS, enables the collection and management of data and ideas in words, images and links. It serves the self-determined curating and organizing of found and self-created content. A non-linear ordering enables new, unimagined creativity-enhancing relationships between content, supported by serendipitous discovery.  The way FFR works is an alternative to structuring by categories and tags alone, and departs significantly from established tools that are oriented towards storage in folders and lists. At the center of the web application is the map layer. It is composed of scalable color fields that can be selected associatively to the content. Content can be linked to each other by color, source, date and cross-references created by the appendix. For Future Reference provides mnemonics for a wide variety of memory types - visual, spatial, semantic, or episodic.